The importance of Brazil
In geopolitical terms, Brazil has an important role to the success of BRIC, for being the only group capable of contributing with all the necessary economic elements: the supply of industrial goods and services, as well as agricultural products on a large scale. Brazil is even called the Amazon giant by the other countries around it because of its political and economic importance.
Brazil has around 208,5 millions of habitants, thus it is between the 10 most populated countries in the world (according to the United Nations).
Brazil: Total population from 2012 to 2022 (in million inhabitants)
"Brazil is for Latin America what Germany is for Europe," says economist Ingerzon Freites, a researcher at the Venezuelan Observatory of Economic Reality (OVRE). In addition to having emerged as one of "the largest economies in the region and the world," the economist indicates that it also represents a decisive factor in intraregional trade since "it exports large quantities of goods and services to its neighbors, but it is also a market that demands products “.
This means that whoever rules the country can have a great influence (regionally) in politics and economics. Consequently, the elections that will be celebrated on the 28th of October will be determining. For instance, if Bolsonaro won the elections, the economic policies would change drastically, affecting all the other countries in South America and those that are in the same organizations as Brazil.
During the governments of Lula Da Silva (2003-2010) and Dilma Rousseff (2011-2016), this country played a relevant role in integration organizations such as: the Union of South American Nations (Unasur), the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) and the Common Market of the South (Mercosur). However, in April of this year, the current president Michel Temer, who came to power after the dismissal of President Rousseff, joined the group of nations that announced his retirement from UNASUR, which is a blow to the South American mechanism.
There are other organizations in which Brazil takes part. In the economic field, the World Trade Organization, the G20, the IMF and The World Bank. When it comes to social issues, for instance the World Health Organization. Regarding the regional field, a part from the ones mentioned above, Brazil also belongs to the Organization of American States. We can find lots of other organizations and agreements where Brazil takes part, fact that indicates the great importance of this country, member of the BRICS.
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