

1)ALAM, BADAR and NAYYER, MOHD. BRIC(S) as an Emerging Block? Bingley (UK): Emerald Group Publishing, 2016.

We have also used some interesting information from this book, since the study highlights the performance of BRICS countries on the basis of various economic and social indicators, as well as patterns of trade and investment.

2) BLANC ALTEMIR, A. La Unión Europea y los BRICS (Brasil, Rusia, India, China y Sudáfrica). Cizur Menor (Navarra): Editorial Aranzadi. SA,  2015.

This book written in Spanish has provided interesting information related with the international relations between the European Union and every single BRIC country. It’s clear that EU keeps essential economic relations with all of them (South Africa is the one with less importance).

3) BRAUNER, Y and PISTONE, P. BRICS and the emergence of international tax coordination. Amsterdam: IBFD, 2015.

This book has been so useful to find reliable data and information linked with the tax treaties that the BRICS countries have with other countries (whether these countries are BRICS or not). We have also used an example (that of Russia) to show the countless treaties which exist to enable the exportations and importations.

4) JAIN, SUBHASH C. Emerging Economies and the Transformation of International Business (BRICs).  Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar, 2006.

This book contains interesting information related with the BRICS countries when it comes to the economic field. Even though it was  written in 2006 (we can consider it’s a little bit outdated since the economic information evolves so fast) it has been an interesting source in order to compare the economic perspectives from that moment with the reality nowadays. In addition, the author is a professor at University of Connecticut (US).

4) XING, LI. The BRICS and Beyond. The International Political Economy of the Emergence of New World Order. Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge, 2014.

We have used some data included in this book (even though we have read its information using the electronic version). The main reason why we thought it was a reliable and interesting source is the fact that this book was written by Li Xing. He’s Director, Research Center on Development and International Relations and he works in the Department of Culture and Global Studies at Aalborg University (Denmark).

Academic Journals:

1)Beeson, M., Zeng, J. The BRICS and global governance: China’s contradictory role Third World Quarterly. February 2018.

We decided to use this journal article since the information given is pretty new and it talks about the current situation of the countries (since two years ago until now). For instance, it talks about the challenges the BRICS will have to face in the next years, focusing especially on China.

2)O’Neill, J. Building Better Global Economic BRICs  Economics Research from the Goldman Sachs Economic Research from the GS Financial Workbench. Paper No:66. November 30th, 2001.

We decided to use information from this academic journal since the author is the creator of the BRICS. Therefore, we can say it is a trustable source. This journal was also written in the same year as the creation of the acronym thus we can use that information to see the evolution of the forming countries, especially in the economic field.

3) O’Neill, J. Building Better Global Economic BRICs, November 30,  2001

The importance of this Academic Journal is clear: in it, O'Neill talks for the first time about the term BRICs, fact that changed the centralized vision of the world towards America. The Journal exposes a new vision of how the world will be in the next decades and how these five countries are going to become the powers of the future.

4)Thakur, R. How representative are brics? Third World Quarterly, 1791-1808. 2014

The author of this academic journal has served as Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations and as Senior Vice Rector of the United Nations University. Therefore, we considered that the information this journal provides about the BRICS would be veracious.

5) Wilson, D. Kelston A. L. Ahmed, S. Is this the BRICS decade?
Goldman Sachs Global Economics, Commodities and Strategy Research. Issue No: 10/03. May 20, 2010.

In this academic journal, from a research made by members of the Goldman Sachs Corporation, is explained the evolution of the BRICS during the last decade. We also found data and some graphics that show this evolution as well as future predictions for the forming countries. Since the authors are members of the creating corporation, we decided to use the information.

6) Wilson, J. D. Resource powers? Minerals, energy and the rise of the BRICS. Third World Quarterly. March 2015.

This academic journal has been also interesting because it talks about the BRICS in the economic and resource power field and we have been able to compare the forming countries in these fields.


1)BRICS official webpage. What is BRICS?,
(October 13th, 2018)

This website has been useful for our research since it is the official web and we can find the whole BRICS history, including all the summits they have done, the incorporation of South Africa or even the origins of the acronym. In addition we considered it a trustable source since it is the official website.

2) Ecu Red. BRICS, October 10, 2018

Thanks to this website we have obtained information about the main aims of the group and how it react with the fatidic crisis of 2009.

3) Guriev, S. Five questions about the BRICS nations, July 8, 2015
Via these five questions about the BRICs nations we have obtained a bunch of information about the contribution of this group to the world and, principally, what is its main objective as a organization.

4)Ministério das Relações Exteriores. Integraçao Regional- (October 13th, 2018)

In this website we can see all the organizations and institutions in which Brazil takes part (Mercosur, WTO, G20…). Therefore, we have been able to know a little more about the importance and the influence of that country in South America and in the whole world.

5) Nguyen Tung, H. Edições Universidade-Empresa. July 13, 2016

In this website we have found information about a lot of organizations, including the BRICS. In addition, we can also see the great importance that is given to Brazil. We have considered the website as a trustable source since its author is a well-known Doctor of Business Administration from the University of São Paulo, with research done in France, the United States and Canada.

6)Kowitt,B. For Mr. BRIC, nations meeting a milestone, June 17, 2009

In this interview Jim O'Neill, the creator of the term BRICs, answers quetions about the actual power of the BRICs, how has it evolved and how is it going to face the future.

7) Wikipedia. BRICs, September 21, 2018

Wikipedia has offered us the most simplified vision of what the BRICs is, their estructure and how it works.

8) Wikipedia. 1st BRIC summit, October 7, 2018

As all the information obtained from Wikipedia, we got a briefly summary about the first BRIC summit, that took place in Russia on June 16, 2009.

9) Wikipedia, Group of 15,, July 6, 2012

10)Wikipedia, Comissió Econòmica per a Amèrica Llatina i el Carib,ó_Econòmica_per_a_Amèrica_Llatina_i_el_Carib, 12 February, 2017.

11) Wikpedia, Mercosur,, 30 Mai, 2017

12)Wikipedia, International Atomic Energy Agency,, 23 July, 2011

13)Wikipedia, United Nations,

14) World Economic Forum. Guriev, S. Five questions about the BRICS nations., July 8, 2015

We have used this webpage since it explains for instance the origin of the BRICS acronym. It also talks about the importance of these countries, the things in common they all have and the achievements they have reached in the last years as well as their current situation.

Newspaper articles:

1)BBC News. First summit for emerging giants. Published in the BBC. 16 June 2009   

2) Grudgings, S. Brasil y Rusia quieren primera cumbre BRIC en 2009, November 26, 2008

This article written in Spanish talks about the begginning of the BRICs and how Brazil and Russia asked for the creation of the first summit, in 2009.

3) J.P.P. Why is South Africa included in the BRICS?, Mars 29, 2013

This article is interesting because via the explanation of the characteristics and the main goals of South Africa, it summarizes why the country wanted to enter in the BRICs and why it has been finally included in the group.

4)Navarro, J. E. Presidenciales en Brasil: ¿Cómo impactará el resultado en Mercosur, Celac y Unasur? RT - Actualidad. October 3rd, 2018, 18:52.
This article published in RT shows the importance of Brazil and how influential the coming elections can be. It also explains the evolution of the country, its relationships with other institutions and organizations as well as its participation in the BRICS. In addition, we have used its information since it is recent news.
5)The Economist Group Limited. Another BRIC in the wall , The Economist. April 21st, 2008.

This article from the Economist has been useful because of the comparisons it does between the forming countries of BRICS. It even gives some data from 2007 which we have used to see the evolution of the countries. Furthermore, it talks about the newest studies the Goldman Company (creators of the acronym) has done thus we have considered it a trustable source.

7)Kowitt, B. For Mr. BRIC, nations meeting a milestone., CNN, June 17, 2009: 2:52 PM

This newspaper article has a lot of information about the creation of the acronym. It is an interview to the economist James O’Neill, who wrote “Dreaming with BRIC” in 2001 where the term was used for the first time, where he explains why he chose those countries and his opinions on other potential regions.



We have also used some statistic sources from this link (for instance, the evolution of the GDP or the different exports and imports partners for each BRIC) since we thought it would provide interesting economic data and information to take under consideration.

3) The Infographic Shows.  USA. contra BRICS (Brasil, Rusia, la India, China y Sudáfrica) 2017 - ¿Quién ganaría?, August 7, 2014

The interesting point of this video is that it compares USA and the BRICs. Precisely, the BRICs were born with the objective to compete with USA and to show to the world that another power great beyond The United States is possible and sustainable.

4) Nguyen Tung,H. Ediçoes Universidade-Empresa. Os Blocos Economicos e o Fomento do Comercio Global.  620 x 403 jpg. September 13, 2016.  [Image]

We have used this link due to the fact that it provided a lot of statistic reliable information comparing the BRICS countries in a lot of different aspects and topics. In spite of the sources and all the data are from 2013, all the graphics clearly show an evolution which is easy to spot by sight. In addition, the authors of the source are experts from each one of the BRICS countries (Wasmália Bivar (IBGE) from Brazil, Alexander Surinov (ROSSTAT) from Russia, S.K Das (CSO) from India, Ma Jiantang (NBS) from China and Pali Lehohla (Stats SA) from South Africa.


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